Red Velvet Whoopies

My husband is the "chef" in our home. I never cook. But every once in a while I get into the mood to bake something. From the moment I saw these red velvet whoopies I knew I wanted to try to make them.

While shopping for the ingredients at my Asian grocery store, my hands turned red and yellow because the tiny jars with the food pigments were covered in colored powder. It made me wish the Color me Rad event would come to Europe.

The dough became a beautiful oxblood red. Not quite as flashy as the red cookies in the recipe. It tasted quite good though, very chocolaty & creamy.

Making the heart shapes turned out disastrous as the ziplock bag (which I used as a pastry bag) ripped open after a dozen of hearts. I decided to make some big round cookies with the leftover dough.

For the filling I used crème fraîche, sugar, a slice of butter and vanilla extract. Very rich and not so healthy. But none of the whoopies or big chewy sandwich cookies were left after serving!

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