Our home is now officially for sale!

JOELIX.com | Our home is for sale!

Our home is now officially for sale! 27 Rooms at 50 km north to Paris… 

We are hopeing for someone to fall in love with the building, just like we did 15 years ago. Someone that will turn the incredible surface (504m²!) into their workshop, office and/or apartment. Someone who will enjoy watching the boats pass by, someone who loves the tranquility of the (almost) countryside… Someone who enjoys throwing parties (no neighbors that can complain about any loud music) or someone who appreciates the beautiful light that shines through the 3 meter high windows… Someone that sees their future here!

JOELIX.com | Our home is for sale!

Just to be clear: the 150+ plants and 2 cats are not included 😉 

JOELIX.com | Our home is for sale!

One of the things that I like about moving, is going to through all out stuff and making a conscious decision on what to keep or what to give away, sell or recycle. I used to be “let’s keep that because one day I’ll need it”, but these days I can easily let go of stuff. I don’t need to keep all my sketches from Art School, I don’t need all the pretty (empty!) boxes or the clothes that don’t fit anymore, and I certainly don’t need the stuff that is still in moving boxes from the last time we moved. I’m just keeping the essentials… and then some! Because let’s be clear: I’m not a minimalist 😉

JOELIX.com | Our home is for sale!

The only one that’s giving me concerns about moving is our 15-year-old Dwjareb: he truly loves his routine, his favourite places to sleep or to be petted… He never ever went outside, not even down to the hallway, simply because he doesn’t care. We tried to bring him downstairs once and he totally freaked out. So I wonder how he will do with a bit of traveling and a new home. But we’ll find out soon enough! For now he seems to enjoy life in all its simplicty:

JOELIX.com | Our home is for sale!