All I need is less

Lately my motto seems the be All I need is less. I've been decluttering, throwing and giving stuff away and cleaning out my dressing. The few things that I bought include a running outfit, magazines, train & plane tickets and a few gifts. Pure necessities 😉
Today is my birthday and even though I don't really need anything, I still love beautiful things. So I wouldn't mind getting or buying any of these beauties!

1  Knot & Bow starburst stickers  2  Plant stand by Kekkila and vintage Arabia Finland planters photo by Weekday Carnival  3  PVC vase by Mauk Studio  4  Scissors by Karim Rachid for Slice  5  Clutch Soi by Jack Gomme  6  Succulent silk square by milleneufcentvingtquatre  7  Wilder quarterly magazine  8  City quilt Paris by Haptic Lab  9  Normannn Copenhagen familia mug

14 thoughts on “All I need is less

    1. Hahahaha dankjewel Stephanie! Dat klinkt als een goed vakantieliedje. Geniet je erg? Mooie spulletjes he, maar totaal overbodig :D

  1. Happy happy birthday! Hope you had a wonderful celebration today! I've also been on a minimalist kick lately and am anxious to declutter my life as much as possible. (Although I could totally get behind that awesome coffee mug you've listed. ;) )

    1. Merci Mandi!!! I had a wonderful day, despite the heath wave. It feels pretty good to declutter, isn't it? I have a lot of work to do in that area (big house = too much stuff) but we'll get there ;) Anything particular that you throw away?

  2. Good to hear! I tend to hold on to clothes and shoes way longer than I should…I might wear them again some day, really. ;) But I'm working on implementing a new rule: if I haven't worn something in more than a year, it's time to donate it. I simply don't have the closest space to hold on to every item of clothing I want to. So far, so good!

    1. That sounds smart, Mandi! Me too, I used to think (who am I kidding: I still think) I will wear most of my stuff some day… but all the free closet space feels even better. Good luck to you too!

  3. Aaah happy birthday! My greeting is late, typical Filipino :) Hope R spoiled you silly, you got lots and lots of sun, and you had a wonderful day!

    1. Hahaha thanks Deepa. He spoiled me with lots of attention and a lovely day in Paris. It was sunny and very hot (about 37°C) but we kept cool with fresh drinks & ice cream :)

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