Tokyobike in London | Tokyobike in London

The difference between the Dutch and the French riding their bike: the Dutch ride from A to B, the French from A to A. Even after more than 12 years in France I still ride almost exclusively from A to B. My bike is a very Dutch old one-gear bike, the first 3 bikes were demolished at the train station. But I do love spotting beautiful bikes in interiors, even though I wonder how their owners handle the dirty tires and how they lock their fixed-gear when drinking a handcrafted beer at the pub…

Anyway, I loved this bike shop called Tokyobike in London! They sell beautiful bikes and carry a very nice selection of innovative bicycle gear and lifestyle accessories. Definitely a must-visit when you love your bike, need a beautiful bike helmet or simply love beautiful products. | Tokyobike in London

One of my favorite products on display was the brand new Plume Mud Guard. It works just like those metal neon slap bracelets from the 80s: very fun! | Tokyobike in London | Tokyobike in London

For the first time ever I tried on a Hövding, an invisible bike helmet that inflates like an airbag around your head when you have an accident. It looks just like a colar: | Tokyobike in London

I think Jillian should get herself this bike and rain poncho, decorated by Swash: | Tokyobike in London | Tokyobike in London

And fun fact: Tokyobike also carries Orontas (spotted in Stockholm) and the Ally Cappelino leather plant pots that I featured in a previous edition of Urban Jungle Bloggers. And yes I told them to water their money plants, they don't look very happy 😉 | Tokyobike in London

These beautiful bikes are also for hire from their Shoreditch shop for 12£/day. I don't think a pair of these fun Tracey Neuls shoes is included, but of course you can buy one at the store: | Tokyobike in London | Tokyobike in London

Tokyobike /// 87-89 Tabernacle Street /// London EC2A 4BA /// +44 20 7251 6842
Open tuesday to friday 11am – 7pm and saturday 11am – 5pm

6 thoughts on “Tokyobike in London

  1. I would've never gone in there (I don't ride bikes), but it is actually a very beautiful shop. Love that flowery rain jacket on the window. You can keep the bike, and I'll keep the jacket?

    1. Hahaha deal! (I admit that I didn't fancy going inside either, I'm not THAT much into bikes and such, but this was a very nice surprise! So many nice products and very friendly staff too. Always a bonus no matter where, right?!)

    1. Yes, they do! Their German flagship store is in Berlin but they also have a store in Bremen, so that's probably where your roommate fell in love ;) He/she has great taste, it's such a nice boutique! Next time you should join your roommate and check it out yourself. No running goodies, but it's fun to look around ;)

  2. Coucou Judith,

    J'espère que tout va bien chez toi!
    Toujours aussi beau ton blog …et encore plus encore quand tu y parles de vélo ;-)

    Je ne connaissais pas le “Plume mud guard” et te remercie pour l'info, c'est effectivement génial comme concept.

    Nous aussi on va de A à B …et même C ( bon ok, nous mangeons de l'Edam tous les matins…)

    Dans tous les cas pour ton vélo, si soucis n'hésite pas….

    A bientôt. Bon dimanche.

    Vive le vélo !

    1. Merci Fred ! Effectivement, je pense que vous faites partie des exceptions ici en France. Mais c'est chouette, continuez surtout l'Edam ;)
      C'est génial n'est-ce pas, ce mudguard ! Mon propre vélo va toujours plutôt bien, je viens de changer les vannes, mais sinon ça va. J'ai la honte, mais je dois toujours passer déposer mon ancien vélo à l'Atelier… depuis le temps que je vous annonce ça… En tout cas on se voit en fin d'année pour la balade de Noël, j'espère. Bon après-midi à toi et à bientôt !

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