Faro de Lariño

Our little house in Galicia Spain (booked through AirBnB <3 ) was situated near the Faro de Lariño. Somehow it surprised me that the light didn't rotate, but pointed in one direction. Lighthouses on this part of the Spanish coast play an important role. Because so many shipwrecks occured here, it's called Costa da Morte, coast of death
Anyway, I really liked "our" Faro, and the locals are very proud of it too: the village restaurant has a scale model on display which is very cute. Do you have a favorite lighthouse? Or did you ever sleep in a lighthouse hotel?

6 thoughts on “Faro de Lariño

  1. Love that blinking faro!! I have never slept in one, but I always take pictures os the ones I encounter. I like the one in St. Augustine, but also in La Palmyre in the west coast of France. Is this your favorite now?

    1. The St. Augustine lighthouse is so pretty (and graphic)! I think that's what I like best about lighthouses: their simple & colorful design. The Lariño faro is not my all time favorite (I don't have any), but I enjoyed its presence when we were there. We also visited the worlds oldest lighthouse in use today in A Coruña. It's not very beautiful, but the view from up there was amazing :o) I would looooove to sleep in a Lighthouse some day! Wonder what it's like…

  2. I love lighthouses too, because they are, often, beautiful buildings ? yes but not only…because they are established in desertic countryside ? yes of course but mostly because when you are close to one of it, you feel yourself like being near the extreme end of the World: great feeling isn't it? I remember the one from Gatteville, in Normandie near Barfleur. During my military service in Cherbourg, it was a good destination for a sunday bicycle trip…
    But my favorite lighthouse of the moment is in Netherland, yes the lighthouse from Marken Island: http://goo.gl/maps/IaZOP. I love his colours and the light of the sky surrounding it. From Marken's harbour you need about 25 minutes by bike on the curve profile of the “dam”. The wind is there everywhere, impossible to elude his force and noisy whistles, always facing you. At springtime, the place is still hosting white-fronted geese in good numbers. This lonely piece of land also looks like the extreme end of the World…

    1. Haha you're more Dutch than I am, Fred! Since you have been to Marken and own a bakfiets! The Marken lighthouse looks beautiful from the pictures I've seen. Thanks for sharing it here. I'll remember to go there next time I'll be around.
      And there's definitely some “end of the world” feeling going on when you're close to a lighthouse. Plus the view over the sea is always stunning. Love that!

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