Running with flowers | Red blossom

Life is busy around here. I constantly have the feeling that I'm running behind, my daily to-do-list is rarely ever entirely checked off at night, and I haven't felt that precious Inbox-Zero feeling in a long time. Besides dreaming of a roadtrip, my regular runs around the neighborhood keep me from going insane. And now that spring is here, I picked up some red blossom from the side of the road. People stared at me, because running with a few branches of flowers probably looks pretty strange. But it was worth it, I like how they match the red, pink and sunlight in our cinema room. | Red blossom | Red blossom

Below you can see the top of one of my little fig trees. Our cat Wally loves nibbling on the leaves (is it the typical fig smell? or the taste of the leaves?) and the lower leaves unfortunately look more like this. I think I'll have to move them to another cat-safe room, before he eats them all… But please: if you have any tricks for keeping cats from eating plants, I'm all ears! | Red blossom

One thought on “Running with flowers

  1. Wonderful pictures! And I love the mental image I got of a girl running around with a few flowery twigs, how sweet! Made me chuckle out loud. Thank you.

    Wishing you a happy day and hopefully an inbox-zero moment sometime very soon :)

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