Urban Jungles terrarium + giveaway!

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungles glass terrarium + giveaway

It's not every day that you stumble upon a product with your own name. But it happened when Igor and I discovered these glass terrariums from Holland called Urban Jungles. Lucky us, they are pretty and the perfect gift for any Urban Jungle Blogger 😉

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungles glass terrarium + giveaway

Urban Jungles are glass terrariums made from glass & solder. When Victor, the inventor of UJ, finished renovating his home, he decided to get rid of all superfluous accessories and only keep his most precious belongings. Not a big jungle with dozens of plants, but one beautiful cactus in the spotlight. And behind glass! That's when the idea for these glass terrariums was born: five geometric designs, that enhance the organic shape of any small plant, gem, sculpture or toy. The styling possibilities are endless!

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungles glass terrarium + giveaway

My first idea was to place a cactus inside my Chowpak terrarium. But I had a look around in my jungle and all my plants were too wide or too tall. The only one that fit in was this small succulent. It kept me company on my north-facing desk all winter and exploded to reach for extra sunlight. He is tall and handsome now, can you believe only 5 months ago he looked like this?!

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungles glass terrarium + giveaway

Of course I couldn't resist playing around with my Urban Jungles terrarium for a bit:

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungles glass terrarium + giveaway

Urban Jungles come in 5 different models, mine is called Chewpak, Igor chose Johnnson and there are also Charivati, McLansey and BarunBaru. Each piece comes with its own bag of little rocks and is beautifully wrapped. By the way, the terraria don't like water, so if you want to use it for plants, prefer cacti or Tillandsia (airplants) and water sparsely.

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungles glass terrarium + giveaway

To win one Urban Jungles terrarium:

Leave a comment below with the name of the jungle you would like to win.
Not mandatory, but it would be nice if you'd follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin
Visit Happy Interior Blog for an extra chance to win: Igor is giving away a second Urban Jungle!

On February 16th I'll announce the winner. This giveaway is open worldwide. (Green) fingers crossed!

This giveaway is now closed. The winners are… here!

137 thoughts on “Urban Jungles terrarium + giveaway!

  1. great giveaway – thanks!
    I love those terrariums and I think that the McLansey would fit perfectly in my room.
    Lots of love, Lisa

  2. They are so beautiful! Would love to get one for my Mom whom is really into this kind of stuff. I love the Johnnson model.
    Thanks for the chance and keep up the great work!

  3. The moment I read your and Igor's posts, I knew I had to enter this giveaway! These are so stunning and unusual. I love the Johnnson model!

  4. Oh this is great! I've seen a similar product before, and even tried to make one myself with plexiglass. To no avail.

    So yes, I'd certainly like to wine one! It's really hard to pick one, but the Chowpak intrigues me most.

  5. Hahaha you made me follow you like CRAZY everywhere ;) Felt a bit stalkery but this beautiful terrarium is worth it!
    And I would love to win the Garivati, but also the Johnnson or Chowpak would be perfect, I'm not that difficult ;)

  6. Sigh. And another big sigh. I loooove these terrariums! The Chowpak and Johnson are my favorites. Actually, I love them all, but that's not really a legitimate answer, right? ;) So, Chowpak. Yes. Definitely. Fingers tightly crossed! (oh and I was already following you everywhere, ha)

  7. WoW, I really love them, and especially Chowpack,
    and I already know what plant to put there, haha!
    Also Im going to follow on instagram!
    Fingers crossed/ Marie

  8. I love love love the barunbanu. Its super cute but tough at the same time? If that makes sense. Im following you on instagram now!

  9. I am so pleased to see that you have the Chowpak, my favourite! I think it looks more sculptural than the others, and I would love to see it with one of my plants in it! (Or a custom plant, so to speak, acquired just for the Chowpak)